July 2024

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A Simple Guide to the Updated NIST 2.0 Cybersecurity Framework

Staying ahead of threats is a challenge for organisations of all sizes. Reported global security incidents grew between February and March of 2024. They increased by 69.8%. It’s important to use a structured approach to cybersecurity. This helps to protect your organization. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a Cybersecurity Framework (CSF).

A Simple Guide to the Updated NIST 2.0 Cybersecurity Framework Read More »

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Hot off the Digital Presses… Learn About Microsoft Copilot for Finance

Microsoft Copilot has been heading up the business AI charge. It’s used in Word, Excel, Edge, Windows, and more. This genAI-powered app is also showing up in various function-related activities. The latest of which is finance processes. Microsoft Copilot for Finance is a game-changer. It injects the power of next-generation AI into the heart of

Hot off the Digital Presses… Learn About Microsoft Copilot for Finance Read More »

person typing on silver Macbook

Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech?

Shiny new tech can be exciting! It promises increased efficiency, happier employees, and a competitive edge. It’s also necessary to stay competitive in today’s technology-driven business world. But that promise can turn into a financial nightmare if you neglect two important things. These are employee training and change management. You can end up losing money

Is Your Business Losing Money Because Employees Can’t Use Tech? Read More »

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10 Easy Steps to Building a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Cyberattacks are a constant threat in today’s digital world. Phishing emails, malware downloads, and data breaches. They can cripple businesses and devastate personal lives. Employee error is the reason many threats get introduced to a business network. A lack of cybersecurity awareness is generally the culprit. People don’t know any better, so they accidentally click

10 Easy Steps to Building a Culture of Cyber Awareness Read More »

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